We stand together as a social civil rights movement in solidarity across the UK and around the globe to change the world. We kneel together for peace and unity asserting Black Lives Matter, and that Black people must be treated as humanely and as fairly as white people. It is a fundamental and basic human right to receive racial equality, and social justice in the societies we live and co-exist with others and to receive parity as full citizens of the country in our nations.
We are apolitical - Meaning this is a non-political, non-partisan, non-violence platform. Some content published on this website may have limited political content due the very nature of a state governed country, and system of democracy.
We operate in a humanitarian capacity and concern first and foremost. We believe racism transcends politics and endeavour to avoid distractions, disrupters and provocateurs that attempt to get in the way of dismantling racist systems and the harm racism cause right here and around the world.
We are not operating in any political capacity. We are not a member of, or connected with any political party nor are we staging a political campaign.
Racial equality and social justice are the main goals of the Black Lives Matter Movement.
Disclaimer: To avoid confusion, distinction and clarity – BLACKLIVESMATTER.UK is NOT the political organisation registered and known as the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation Inc, US. Neither are we affiliated with its UK chapter @ukblm the political collective registered in the UK under ' Black Liberation Movement'. We are NOT generally operating in a political capacity, not affiliated with any political parties or groups in the UK or abroad.
We operate within the Black Lives Matter Movement supporting individuals, groups and organisations and also partners with progressive businesses in Britain, UK and abroad, using collaborations, resources that allow and are available. We are a social civil society cause and anti-racist movement. A movement for good, are active 24/7, 365 to end racial discrimination for social cohesion, racial equality and justice.
We challenge systems, institution and structures to dismantle racism and embedded racial equality, racial equity and racial justice.
We work for Black Lives to Matter, to exist without racial discrimination. To live and breathe without white supremacist's knees on our necks. And to matter as equals in all the spaces and areas we co-exist where white people are by definition of race and colour are privileged to enjoy as a fundamental basic human right.
Applications close on 9th May
We want to share amongst our friends, family and colleagues.
BBC Two’s Mastermind is currently scouring the UK to find contenders for the next series which will be filmed in Belfast!
Although applications close on 9th May, we would encourage you to apply as soon as possible as casting is currently underway!!
To apply click: CAST IT REACH
Or email mastermind.hth@hattrick.com application takes just 10 minutes to complete).
Entry is open to UK residents (including Channel Islands & the Isle of Man) who are aged 18 or over.
Hat Trick/Hindsight are committed to making programmes as inclusive as possible.
We are calling on the UK Government to #TakeRacismSeriously.
— The Diana Award (@DianaAward) January 6, 2025
But we need your help! 🙌
Join us by signing our #TakeRacismSeriously Open Letter below
📝 https://t.co/szQa4QbcjZ pic.twitter.com/pmMIWEzpbh
bbc.co.uk – © copyright 2025 BBC
Colin Kemp's, ameteaur historian from Chichester objective was to create a memorial for the men of the West Africa Squadron who perished while enforcing the naval ban on slavery. With the generosity of the general public, this goal was accomplished. All it needs now is a home for the public to enjoy and learn about the untold stories of British history.
BLACK LIVES MATTER UK commends the artistic contributions of Vincent Gray the sculptor and Colin Kemp who helped raise funds to build a memorial to the men of the West Africa Squadron, many who lost their lives enforcing the naval ban on slavery.
The West Africa Squadron was believed to have been racially mixed, with up to 20% comprised of newly freed Black West African men, although the officers who led the squadron were all white British, Europeans.
The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 marked a milestone in Britain's history.
We anticipate the establishment of a dedicated site for this memorial sculpture honouring the Royal Navy Squadron's efforts to combat the slave trade and for the sake of the homeless statue.
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Whilst we agree, we can most definitely acknowledge and share the significant story of the contribution of the West Africa Squadron, where many put their lives on the line and those who were lost fighting the slavers whilst implementing the new British law after the abolition of slavery. We remain firm in our support for the call for reparations while honouring those who fought to disrupt the organised illegal crimes of imprisoning 'slaves' to benefit from heinous acts of slavery. We believe it is possible to do both without detracting from either. Stories of Black and white history are deeply entwined and go hand in hand. It is always the truth that people need more to come to terms with all of history in full, not just the part that one side wants the world to hear as its 'truth', which when it comes out is often actually found to be steeped in buried lies.
Let us together unite to continue to raise awareness and advocate for equality and justice for all individuals impacted by historical and present-day injustices.
The British were NOT the first in the world to end slavery, Haiti ended slavery in 1804. The British ended its slave trade few years later in in 1807.
François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture, also known as Toussaint L'Ouverture or Toussaint Bréda, was the leader of the Haitian Revolution, the first successful slave rebellion since Spartacus against the Roman Republic.
Toussaint L'Ouverture abolished slavery in Haïti ahead of the English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Toussaint Louverture’s military genius and political acumen transformed an entire society of slaves into the first successful slave uprising that led to the independent state of Haiti. It was the greatest slave uprising since Spartacus, who led the revolt against the Roman Republic. The success of the Haitian Revolution shook the institution of slavery throughout the New World. - BHM.ORG.UK
Haiti ended slavery before Britain, off the back of the Haitian revolution in 1804. Britain ended the trading slaves 1807, but the inhumane practice continued long into the 1860s.
Additional Source:
Toussaint Louverture | National Museum of African American History and Culture
The official date for Britain's ending of slavery was in 1833, when British government decided to compensate its white owners for their loss in compensation of freeing slaves and NOT the Black Africans they enslaved. Many white British people are still confused on this subject, not educated on the facts of Britain's horrible history of the transatlantic slave trade and the compensation paid. Compensation paid to white British slave owners is NOT reparations.
The Black Africans enslaved, their descendants, Black communities effected by its legacy have not received a penny nor pound to this day.
The Casey Report unveils shocking catalogue of racist, misogynist and homophobic behaviour and abuse across the force.
YET STILL the SO call leader, Police Commissioner Rowley refuses to accept the label. The racist culture is deeply embedded. Institutional racism is woven in its make-up and design. Baroness Casey has advised leaders of change to accept the report in full as conditions and descriptions as described in the report. However, Mark Rowley STILL refuses to acknowledge the tight-fitting label and description of 'institutional racism', He's just NOT prepared or willing to recognises the findings in its entirety, deeming labels are not useful and political and ambiguous.
Mark Rowley views institutional racism as political.
We of course have an opposing view -
BLACKLIVESMATTER.UK see Mark Rowley is an integral part of the problem of racism in the MET and he clearly demonstrates his attitude with racist micro-aggression towards Black citizens by continuing to gaslight Black people experience, and trauma.
Baroness Casey laid it all out in the latest report. These been previous commissioned reports - The Lammy, MacPherson and Lord Scarman report, 3 previous reports before this 4th Casey Report. Past reports eventually gathered dust and all but disregarded.
How can/will the Casey report be different. Will the rug and brush just get that much bigger to help shift the dirt deeper underneath for another few decades more. NOT if we have anything to do with the landscape to help break the old fashioned out of date model of policing.
Mark Rowley is now 30yrs in the establishment and part of the old establishment, seems rolling him out may be a waste of time, a waste-man who cannot be reformed himself let alone become a leader to have any sort of acumen to reform the MET.
The MET police force either needs to be abolished, broken up and disbanded. Subjected to a Royal Commission is the best way forward, some are suggesting.
We won’t let it lie. Our children physical and mental health rely on us to create waves strong enough to change the tide.
Knife crime is spreading across the UK, with an average of four people stabbed to death every week.
For Idris Elba, this isn’t just a statistic - it’s personal. Growing up in east London, where violence was a constant threat, he understands the critical choices that shape futures. Aware of how easily his own path could have gone in a different direction, Idris - actor, campaigner and man determined to make a difference - embarks on a mission to confront this crisis.
Why is knife crime rising in so many places? How do we stop it? Can we balance punishment with prevention?
Idris speaks with victims, offenders, police and grieving families, uncovering harsh truths and challenging stereotypes. While often seen as an inner-city problem affecting black and brown communities, the reality is broader: white offenders are the majority of those arrested for carrying knives, and rural areas like Avon & Somerset, Bedfordshire and Sussex have seen significant increases in the knife crime rate.
In the West Midlands, Idris learns of an unprovoked murder by two 12-year-olds. At Feltham Prison and Young Offender Institution, he meets perpetrators who feel they were driven to carry knives and hears warnings from the governor that by the time the boys are locked up, it’s often too late to turn their lives around.
The film features Pooja Kanda, whose son Ronan was murdered in a case of mistaken identity. She highlights systemic failures and risks when children are excluded from school. Idris also visits The Royal London Hospital, where a pioneering programme sees youth workers embedded directly in the casualty department. In these pivotal moments, they step in to support young victims of knife crime, guiding them away from violence.
He has discussions about possible solutions with King Charles and Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, advocating earlier interventions and pointing to successful initiatives like one in Coventry, where a teenager who once carried a knife is now training as a football coach. Idris reflects on his youth and his determination to create opportunities for others. His requests culminate in a knife crime summit at 10 Downing Street, bringing together those directly affected to influence policy and inspire change.
Racism is harming all 10.7 million young people in schools in the UK and is holding all young people back. It’s time to #TakeRacismSeriously.
— The Diana Award (@DianaAward) January 8, 2025
We need your help to protect and empower these young people.
Sign our #TakeRacismSeriously Open Letter now!
📝 https://t.co/szQa4QbcjZ pic.twitter.com/kdrdB8pn2N
Contrary to guidance, 6% of strip searches were conducted with at least one officer of a different gender than the child present. Over half of all cases saw no further action taken against the child.
Police strip searched nearly 3,000 children between 2018 and mid-2022It confirms just how badly our children are being failed by the the police AND as young as eight strip-searched by police.
We BLACKLIVESMATTER.UK believe there are many sexual predators, voyeurs, power crazed and obsessed police officers serving an preying on Black vulnerable minors participating in invasive strip searches absent of parent/s and or appropriate adult.
The groundswell of protest actions in 2020 across both the USA and UK, including Black Lives Matter protests and other anti-racist protests, led to both governments’ proposing and enacting legislation to restrict protest rights and secure rights of property over civil rights. Protest and political dissent are fundamental rights that we should protect. However, these laws have disproportionately affected Black and Muslim communities.
Author: Sira Thiam, APA Development Officer
Black Lives Matter UK brief to TD360 was to create a gallery an experience that was not only inspiring and educational, developed from a personal connection with each artist. 'Art is about stories, so having the ability for the artwork to come to life and the artist to talk about their inspiration behind the work was invaluable.'
The gallery was commissioned in BHM 2021 and for it to be live in perpetuity, accessible day and night for the foreseeable future. People will be able to view the gallery and all the videos within at their own pace from wherever they are whenever they want. Unlike physical galleries, there is no capacity for this exhibition which means this gallery experience is truly inclusive and will reach a wide audience from every corner of the world, around the globe.
To enjoy the Full Virtual 360 Experience of the 'Black Lives Matter Exhibition, click button below to enter gallery.
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We believe in a world where everyone belongs, and we reject all types and forms of racism that stands in the way.
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