ARTIST: Painted By
This is how Indie, age 13 wanted to take her own personal action to demonstrate, and show black lives matter.
Tom told us about how his daughter age 13 had painted a picture of George Floyd and auctioned it to make a donation of £50.
How wonderful, we just had to reach out to say thank you to what was a heartfelt, thoughtful act of kindness. We asked if she had taken a photo, lucky for us she had and was happy to send it in and for us to publish on our Creative Ed Space.
So pleasing how young people are so involved in wanting to create a fairer world where all people are equals. Indie is actively playing her part in breaking down racism for a just a fair society.
We are proud of your empathy and thoughtfulness!
The murder of George Floyd on Monday 25th May 2020, USA highlighted and brought to the surface how much racial discrimination against black people in still in existence witnessed by children and adults and almost in real time.
The murder of George Floyd not only affected adults it harmed us all, children who all saw or heard about the murder were affected.
We believe it's important to include and hear the voices of all children, young people, all nationalities and ethnicities and skin tones. It touched and hurt so many children as well as adults.
Young people of all ages are expressing how they felt and in different ways. We provide a platform for young people to openly express feelings to those who want to talk about what they witnessed and play a part in ending racism.
If you would or know someone who is creative, may be written, drawing, painting, art piece can be in various forms and would like to share don't hesitate get in touch.
We're unable to published all, however every piece submitted will be read, and who knows there maybe another opportunity, another space, another time where you and your work gets to shine!
If you would or know someone who is creative, may be written, drawing, painting, art piece can be in various forms and would like to share don't hesitate get in touch.
We're unable to published all, however every piece submitted will be read, and who knows there maybe another opportunity, another space, another time where you and your work gets to shine!
We welcome and will include creative work regardless of ethnicity and skin colour as long as it is relating to black lives, ending racism and or celebrations of black culture we happy to receive.
Use our space to be creative; we have the space use it.
We believe in a world where everyone belongs, and we reject all types and forms of racism that stands in the way.
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