Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africav.Israel)- Public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa
Thursday 11 January 2024 - Friday 12 January 2024
Please take a few minutes by reading information below, using link to gain knowledge and more understanding in context and share with others... And please do more research for yourself to increase awareness and to get a well balanced view to have a valid just opinion on the factual truth.
CONTENT AND MATERIAL SOURCES -Palestine. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Palestine. World History Encyclopedia. What is Palestine and Palestinians? Israel Science and Technology Directory. Everything you need to know about Israel-Palestine. Map: The countries that recognize Palestine as a state. Washington Post. UN Partition Plan. BBC News. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation. The History Learning Site. Timeline: History of a Revolution. Al Jazeera. Hamas accepts Palestinian state with 1967 borders. Al Jazeera. Palestine Liberation Organization. Oxford Islamic Studies Online. Oslo Accords Fast Facts. CNN. Profile: Hamas Palestinian movement. BBC News.
Palestine is a small region of land that has played a prominent role in the ancient and modern history of the Middle East. The history of Palestine has been marked by frequent political conflict and violent land seizures because of its importance to several major world religions, and because Palestine sits at a valuable geographic crossroads between Africa and Asia. Today, Arab people who call this territory home are known as Palestinians.
The Palestinians people, with allies continue to fight the fightagainst racism and injustices, just as our ancestors did, to defend ourselves and our right to live free of repression, oppression, and disempowerment of white powered nations, systems, governments institutions, states, and countries in the and western sphere or who globally supports Western power and colonisers to continue in same vain.
We acknowledge, honour and respect Jewish people who support the freedom of the Palestinians people to be free and exist humanely in their homeland,We recognise the many anti-racists, everyday people including Jewish people, activist across the globe are actively choosing to stand, lend thier voice supporting the struggle for humankind, alike to be free from racial discrimination, persecution and joining the cause to free Gaza and Palestine. The Free Palesstine Movement and Black Lives Matter movement understand oppression and work simultaneously, striving in dismantling structural racism and injustices in a campaign to eradicate racism and oppression. We strive to achieve a once and for all the emancipation from racial discrimination, white oppression, white supremacy, and all its encompassing evils.
Following World War I, Britian seperated Palestine and voiced support for a Jewish nation, clearly stating however, that nothing should be done to harm the current occupants
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— Gaza Notifications (@gazanotice) December 15, 2023
We believe in a world where everyone belongs, and we reject all types and forms of racism that stands in the way.
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