This poem 'IGNORANCE AND HATE was written by a young man age 16 from Bristol. Going by the initials LW for this publication
We felt the poem was "beautiful and powerful' and couldn't wait to publish on our BLACK LIVES MATTER Creative ED Space.
We feel it's important for voices of young black people in Britain to be heard, feelings, lived experienced, why stay silent make some BLACK NOISE!
We also think it's important to include and hear the voices of all children, young people, black, white as well as brown on how they feel about racism, and how do they aim to break it down for their generation.
We are proud that LW's poem is the 1st written piece submitted and published on our Creative ED space.
It's poignant this young man happens to live in Bristol where the statue of Edward Colston who made his fortune from trading in black slaves was torn down and dump in the river Avon on 7th June 2020 by BLACK LIVES MATTER and Anti-Racist protestors from far and wide. Reviled by black people once they find out the black history behind this character celebrated and honoured for centuries by Britain
Ironically Edward Colston was respected and regarded as a philanthropist as a result of donating money to charitable causes and building up Bristol all at the expense of black bodies including thousands of and deaths, men, woman and children. His statue has stood in Bristol as celebration of a white man who wealth was in human trafficking and life time suffering. Edward Colston celebratory statue stood proud, high above and honoured for far too long, NOW history tells a different story in the river Avon!
The murder of George Floyd on Monday 25th May 2020, USA highlighted and brought to the surface racial discrimination against black people in existence right across the globe, who continues to still suffer day in day out.
Racism still exist and is thriving right here in Britain, often brushed under the very British carpet sustained by WHITE SILENCE.
We hope LW is as proud as we are to have his work published as part of the fight for justice and a personal declaration BLACK LIVES MATTER, his life matters, as a young black man.
Many will relate feel and share the pain of racism, a life lived as a second class citizen. NO MORE.
If you would or know someone who is creative, may be written, drawing, painting, art piece can be in various forms and would like to share don't hesitate get in touch.
We're unable to published all, however every piece submitted will be read, and who knows there maybe another opportunity, another space, another time where you and your work gets to shine!
If you would or know someone who is creative, may be written, drawing, painting, art piece can be in various forms and would like to share don't hesitate get in touch.
We're unable to published all, however every piece submitted will be read, and who knows there maybe another opportunity, another space, another time where you and your work gets to shine!
We ALSO welcome and will include creative work regardless of ethnicity and skin colour as long as it is relating to black lives, racism and or celebrations of black culture.
Use our space to be creative; we have the space use it!
We believe in a world where everyone belongs, and we reject all types and forms of racism that stands in the way.
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