Have you had enough of hearing about Black children excluded from education, forever tragic stories of Black and Brown children suffering in communities, stripped searched, over-representation in the criminal justice system, and does it move you enough to do something or do you just look away and do nothing?
If you are moved and you have emotion, use it to help power change.
It is way overtime we did something that dug a deeper path that cannot be dusted over and ignored.
SO, we needs YOU to help maintain the path we are digging, help us to dig even deeper and then keep the path clear to move ahead so Black lives matter!
Black KiDs Lives STILL Matter.
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Mia a college student choose 'Black Lives Matter' to create a poster on social issues.
"My skin colour may be white but my grandfathers before me, have experienced this type of hatred decades ago and it's not right"
"The second poster is of my great grandfather and my grandfather on the beach of Seychelles (his home country), it has his story from my grandfather's view, as I never had the chance to talk to my great grandfather about his experiences from a first hand view. When talking to my grandfather about his dad, he said that as a boy, he didn't really notice these things, but after he, himself, was targeted by people saying racial slurs to him, made him aware of the possibility and hatefulness of the world. I love the second poster as it really captures both of my grandfathers likeness and knowing the type of person that my great grandfather was, imagining people using harmful and disgusting words at him because of his colour and where he came from, makes me so upset that he had to go through that and that anyone has to go through that."
- Mia Gappy
17 year old, aspiring artist - Middlesbrough UK
Mia Gappy - A 17 year old, aspiring artist located in Middlesbrough in the North East
"The theme for the posters was around my great grandfather and his son, but it was also to make my voice heard. The first piece is of me protesting and standing up for what I believe is right, to use my voice for the people who don't have one. The theme is very self-centred around my background and me wanting to make a change, for the better. When asking for opinions and criticisms for the first piece from friends and classmates, the said that having me as the vocal point of the poster that is targeting racism, having someone who is white on the front would take away from the point, but the piece is titled "The Artist's stance", I want to make my voice heard for the others who have their voices ignored. I agree that it might have been better to have someone of colour on the front, but the theme is dedicated to my family's background with racism and having the second poster being about both my grandfathers stories, I thought having the first poster include me would make this more personal. I decided to explain that just in case you were confused of why the first poster is like that." - Mia Gappy
Eradicate built up confusion surrounding racism - You only need a few effective tools in a toolbox to change the broken old for a positive anew!
We believe in a world where everyone belongs and we reject racism that stands in the way.
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